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Ghurklasian Dictionary:

Ghurklasian (or natively: Ghurklasene) is a constructed language created around the 1 December 2022 for the state of Ghurklas, a micronation (state without real control over its land) in the region of Nord-Pas-De-Calais in France.

Ghurklasian is spoken in the cities around Dunkirk (in ghurklasian: Dunekerke) and in the western part of Austria, in the micronation of Lüodingosch Dētchvak.

This conlang has mostly influence from French and English due to the location where it originated, with some influence from Dutch (especially the West-Flemish dialects), Danish and German A few words are imported from Russian due to the former use of the Cyrillic script in 2023/early 2024.

What is this website?
This website was developed by the conlang's creator, Tvvd. Its goal is to archive ghurklasian content and provide learning ressources online

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